How to Wax and Tune Skis and Snowboards

Skiing and snowboarding are extreme sports and taking care of your equipment has to be a priority if you want to be safe and give your best performance. All responsible and smart skiers and board riders know that if they take care of their sport gear, then it will take care of them. These sports can be the most dangerous for the inexperienced, who don't always realize the importance of this. 

Steps to Tuning and Waxing Skis and Snowboards
  1. Understand the need to wax and tune your skis and snowboards. Skiing and snowboarding are extreme sports and taking care of your equipment has to be a priority if you want to be safe and give your best performance. All responsible and smart skiers and board riders know that if they take care of their sport gear, then it will take care of them. These sports can be the most dangerous for the inexperienced, who don't always realize the importance of this. Skiing and snowboarding can be safer and more fun if you stick to the waxing and tuning advice below.

    • There are various reasons you should keep a good edge and wax job on your skis. Because you can fall due to dull edges, we're talking safety here as well as performance.
    • Because dull ski edges won't grip properly when skiing on ice, you could be in for a disappointing ride. You will end up falling more if your skis can't grip.
    • The wax on your skis needs to be right for your conditions in addition to being properly applied. Because the outside temperatures can cause issues, you need to consider that as well when waxing your skis. Using the wrong wax for the outside temperature can cause you to slow down. Be sure to consider all these factors when preparing to wax your skis.

  2. Before edging your skis, it's best to look up the edge angle that the manufacturer suggests. Skiers who have been doing this for a while, of course, develop their own preferences in this regard. Following the company's recommended angle is best, however, unless you are very confident in your abilities. Edge angles can vary by as much as three degrees. In addition to a file, some people also use a file guide to make it easier. If you are very adept at filing you may not need a file guide, but it can be helpful. After filing the edges, then you will do it over with a diamond stone. You will find that diamond stones work more smoothly if you wet them a little before using them.

  3. Remove as much as you can of the old wax and residue. Before you begin working on your skis or snowboard, you must get as much of the old wax and residues off the very best you can. Use a good scraper to accomplish this. The petroleum products in man made snow will leave a residue on your skis that you will need to remove. You'd think a petroleum product would make you go faster down the slopes when in fact it does the opposite. Sometimes you can hit some snow and it really feels like you just hit dirt. Remove as much as you can with the scraper and then use a good solvent to remove the rest with a cloth. There are more tips and tricks when it comes to tuning and waxing your skis or snowboards. You also have the option of taking your gear to a local ski shop to have them to do the work. 

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